Blue planet deep sea shrimp
Blue planet deep sea shrimp

blue planet deep sea shrimp

and GMT time zone.Fish can serve as either a power food or an inflammatory, toxic nightmare for your body, all depending on what fish you choose. The research was funded by the National Science Foundation, Schmidt Ocean Institute, and the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland.įor more information, contact Gerringer at and Linley at Note that Linley is based in the U.K. Other co-authors are Alan Jamieson of Newcastle University, and Erica Goetze and Jeffrey Drazen of the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. The fish is named after a sailor, Herbert Swire, an officer on the HMS Challenger expedition in the late 1800s that first discovered the Mariana Trench.

blue planet deep sea shrimp

The authors acknowledge the broad collaboration needed for deep-sea science, particularly in this discovery, and decided the new fish’s scientific name should reflect that collaborative effort.

blue planet deep sea shrimp

With the help of a CT scanner at the UW’s Friday Harbor Laboratories, the researchers could look in close digital detail to study elements of the fish. The Mariana snailfish’s location was its most distinguishing characteristic, but researchers also saw a number of differences in physiology and body structure that made it clear they had found a new species. The research team also filmed another new species on this cruise, the ethereal snailfish, living at great depths in the Mariana Trench. We think of it as a harsh environment because it’s extreme for us, but there’s a whole group of organisms that are very happy down there.”įootage from the 2014 research cruise on R/V Falkor will also run in the BBC’s “Blue Planet II” series, which is now airing in the U.K. “There are a lot of surprises waiting,” Gerringer said. Researchers recover a trap after it landed on the bottom of the Mariana Trench. “There are lots of invertebrate prey and the snailfish are the top predator.


Here they are free of predators, and the funnel shape of the trench means there’s much more food,” said co-author Thomas Linley of Newcastle University. “Snailfishes have adapted to go deeper than other fish and can live in the deep trenches. Since then, a research team from Japan has recorded footage of the fish swimming at depths of 8,178 meters (26,830 feet), the deepest sighting so far. DNA analysis and 3-D scanning to analyze skeletal and tissue structures helped researchers determine they had found a new species. During research trips in 20, scientists collected 37 specimens of the new species from depths of about 6,900 meters (22,600 feet) to 8,000 meters (26,200 feet) along the trench.

blue planet deep sea shrimp

This new species appears to dominate parts of the Mariana Trench, the deepest stretch of ocean in the world that is located in the western Pacific Ocean. Video courtesy of SOI/HADES/University of Aberdeen (Dr. Mariana snailfish, the deepest-living fish in the world, are filmed in the Mariana Trench at depths of 7,000 to 8,145 meters. Little is known about how these fish can live under intense water pressure the pressure at those depths is similar to an elephant standing on your thumb. In deep water, they cluster together in groups and feed on tiny crustaceans and shrimp using suction from their mouths to gulp prey. Snailfish are found at many different depths in marine waters around the world, including off the coast of San Juan Island, where Gerringer is continuing research on the family of fish. “They don’t look very robust or strong for living in such an extreme environment, but they are extremely successful.” “This is the deepest fish that’s been collected from the ocean floor, and we’re very excited to have an official name,” said lead author Mackenzie Gerringer, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Washington’s Friday Harbor Laboratories.

Blue planet deep sea shrimp